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Vegetable Garden
About the Healthy Cochise Initiative

Addressing health, social and economic factors.



Healthy Communities Committees (HCCs)

Local Healthy Community Committees (HCCs) were created to address the priorities outlined in the Cochise County Community Improvement Plan through interventions specific to the needs and interests of their local communities

Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP)

Based off 18 months of community engagement and an in-depth assessment of the community's health.

> Join your town's healthy community committee

Working together to take care of Cochise County health.

Mental Health &
Substance Abuse

Goal 1: Affect state and local policy changes that mandate diversion from jail and prison for individuals diagnosed with mental illness and/or substance use disorder.


Goal 2: Promote and expand mental health wellness and substance us disorder resources across the lifespan for all Cochise County residents.

Jobs & 
A Healthy Economy

Goal 1: Promote business growth and job opportunities throughout Cochise County.


Goal 2: Support and promote (economic, historical, agricultural) tourism and cross-border partnerships and business activities for Cochise County.



Healthy Eating,
Diabetes & Obesity

Goal 1: Build and strengthen community based infrastructure that provides options for healthy eating and active living.


Goal 2: Change cultural expectations about the definition of a good and healthy life. 



Contact Us

Contact us with any questions, comments, or concerns. We'd love to hear from you.

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