Welcome to Sierra Vista, AZ

Future Initiatives
Ideas for Future Initiatives:
Food access (small scale and large scale)
Built environment/sense of community and culture/socialization
Priority Areas:
Healthy Food Access
Walking/Riding Paths
Lifetyle: healthy work/life balance
Rhegan Riane Derfus
Meeting times
3rd Wednesday of the month from 5:00 - 7:00 pm
at the Discovery Garden
U of A Sierra Vista Campus
New members and ideas are always welcome.
Be part of
what we're doing
On Going

Be Healthy! Sierra Vista was initially convened in 2014, with a mission to “lead, promote, and advance sustainable health initiatives in the Sierra Vista area”. Members of this health committee serve together in the roll of prevention, quality care insurance, policy development and community engagement.
In early 2016 the committee, through its partnership with the Sierra Vista Metropolitan Planning Organization, and the Sierra Vista School District, was able to influence the City Council to install a new crosswalk near an elementary school in Sierra Vista. Since then, activities have focused on raising awareness about healthy living activities and engaging the community through events. They support “active transportation” through handing out pedometers at events and holding large scale bicycle events, such as Tour de Vista.
The committee is constanly lookiing for new leadership that can bring new projects to the table for the best of the Sierra Vista Community.
In the past year Be Healthy Sierra Vista has dedicated time to sharing information about local food systems via social media to the general community.
On April 27ththey hosted a Facebook Live with the participation of the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension, the County Health Department,Sierra Vista Parks and Leisure andBuilding Healthy Communities. This special event providedresources available in the Sierra Vista Area, as well as how we are proceeding with COVID-19. Dr. Eric McLaughlin from the County Health Department provided updated information about the disease and the vaccines. (https://www.facebook.com/behealthysierravista/)
During this period, the committee has put forward efforts to support and reach out to the community, including holding meetings at the Sierra Vista Farmer’s Market to engage with the community and open their membership.
Currently, Be Healthy! Sierra Vista is working on goals related to:
1. Healthy Food Access: Vegetables and fruits at small stores, stands
2. Paths, Wayfinding: family friendly guide to local physical activity resources (Prescott example), a way to assess for needs
3. Lifestyle: Work fun, recreational, healthy work/life balance, permission to have fun, city-wide normalization, “Work to Live, Not Live to Work”, sense of community